Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Tooth

Yes! After much drooling and chewing on everything (my toes are one of my favorite teethers) I have a tooth. It came through last night, which is interesting. I had my 6 month check-up just last week and the Dr said there wasn't anything even close so mom had stopped looking. Then I bit down on her knuckle and that revealed the little gummy secret.
Speaking of my check-up, I was weighed in at 16lbs 2oz (at the 55th percentile) and 27 inches long (90%!).

I'm eating pears (my favorite), carrots, bananas, and brown rice cereal with bananas and raspberries. Yumm!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'd Rather be Blue

I have a very special friend that comes over to watch me while mom and dad go out for a bit. Anyone who knows here is aware of her strong attraction to all things blue.

Since the last time she came to visit, I have suddenly decided that blue is "my favorite color in the whole world." Yellow, green, red, orange, and purple are my favorite colors too, but if given a choice, I always choose blue.

Mom and dad think there is something a little fishy about when I decided blue was best and are starting to worry about what other behaviors I'll pick up if I keep spending time with this friend. Perhaps I'll start obsessing about vacuums.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Penguin Family

The penguin family keeps growing. Both me and A with our new hats, dad's Opus, my Tux, and more recently Suki.

Even this photo is already out of date. Dad recently bought me yet another new penguin with a stocking cap.

Mom tells me that her 2nd cousin (would that be my 2nd cousin once removed?) was also a fan of penguins as a child so perhaps there is something hereditary about this.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dad's Birthday

Today was dad's birthday. We both made cards for him at school. S was so excited about her gift, she gave it to dad before it was wrapped... and then insisted on still wrapping it. After a brief present-opening moment, all four of us went out for Indian food. Yum.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

No Pull-Ups

I'm very good at using the bathroom now. I rarely have accidents and am very good about washing my hands. I wake up dry most of the time but mom and dad haven't pushed me to stay dry overnight. In fact, mom just bought a jumbo-BJ's sized box of pull-ups for me.

After bath last night I informed my mom that I didn't want to wear my normal nighttime pull-ups. I wanted to wear panties. I had a little accident in my pjs but never soiled the sheets.

Here's hoping for a smooth transition to be completely diaper-free!