These girls love to read. S still has us read her the same book over and over until she has the entire story memorized. At the time, we always found this rather humorous, and then annoying. Now we are starting to see the benefits. She can now recount entire books for her sister, keeping them both entertained without our involvement.
Much of this is due to M's evening routine. He ensures that the girls are read to each night. More books and more stories are a reward for helpfulness and good behavior.
S's favorite is a book about dinosaurs while A prefers Tumble Bumble.
I do more story telling. It all started when on the way to school I told them the story of Stone Soup. Shortly thereafter, S asked me to "tell me another story." While making beds I recount the story of the three little pigs. While folding laundry I describe what I can remember of the story of Cinderella.
Unfortunately, I'm also running out of stories. I'd like to continue telling stories that I can turn into a lesson of some sort. Aesop's tales seem a natural fit, but I don't know many of them.
Someone from work suggested that I could also tell stories from the ancient Greeks and Romans. With that in mind, I'm sure there are innumerable ancient stories I could retell. How the world resides on the back of a turtle or how the zebra got his stripes. Now I just have to find the time to read and refresh my memory.