Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'd Rather be Blue

I have a very special friend that comes over to watch me while mom and dad go out for a bit. Anyone who knows here is aware of her strong attraction to all things blue.

Since the last time she came to visit, I have suddenly decided that blue is "my favorite color in the whole world." Yellow, green, red, orange, and purple are my favorite colors too, but if given a choice, I always choose blue.

Mom and dad think there is something a little fishy about when I decided blue was best and are starting to worry about what other behaviors I'll pick up if I keep spending time with this friend. Perhaps I'll start obsessing about vacuums.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha - that is fantastic! I promise you I did not brainwash your dear child into liking blue. Though I may begin to enlighten her on the delightful benefits and features of the vacuum...