Saturday, March 28, 2009

Field Trip

I have graduated from Yellow Room (the transitional Toddler/not quite pre-school room) to Green Room (a pre-school room) and as a result I can now do all sorts of new things. One of those new things is field trips!

Yesterday my class went on a trip to the library. I keep insisting that we took a bulldozer-plow-school bus although my teacher gave me a funny look as I told my mom this.

I have a new playground to play at, and I also get to play at the bicycle circle sometimes. Once a week over the summer, I'll even have a special "bike day" when I can bring my bicycle to school and bike around the circle with all my friends.

All-in-all, though, I had a very good time and am thinking that this Green Room thing might not be too bad.

(btw, the photo is of me enjoying my super-sucker, one of the tasty candies I got for my birthday).

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