Then we dressed up in pretty spring outfits complete with stockings and "church shoes" that click across the floor as you walk.
Church was pretty interested. S really wanted to see the organ but was able to watch a trumpet player instead. A slept through the first half and enjoyed the music through the second half.
We returned home to finish the hunt for eggs (we only found one before church). That bunny wasn't very tricky. I found 6 of the 7 right away. There was one hiding on top of my play kitchen that took a very long time for me to find but otherwise the bunny was easy on me.
Then we went with grandma, grandpa, our aunt, and our cousin to a brunch buffet. The food was okay. The chocolate fountain was fun. The best part, though, was the visit from the Easter bunny and playing with presents from my aunt.
Once again, A slept through most of the fun stuff. Silly baby.
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