I poured S some Chex for breakfast when she decided she wanted some Cheerios too.
"Not in this bowl mommy!"
"Really? I can put them side by side and then you can eat them separately if you like."
"No. I need a different bowl."
So out comes a new bowl. Hay, I still don't have one bowl of cereal, let alone two different of two different kinds. "This one isn't blue!!" (yes, the obsession with that color continues).
"You're right, but purple is a mix of blue and red." Counter block.
"Pour some more."
"Finish that and you can have some more." Can I please now eat something myself??
A starts asking to nurse. I sit down at the table by S and start to feed A figuring I can wait another 10 minutes. After all, everyone seems to be content and I'd like to enjoy the moment.
Until I look over and see S pouring the complete contents of her purple cereal bowl directly on top of her blue cereal bowl. Cheerios now blanket the Chex and I close my eyes, hold my breath for a moment, and suppress the internal scream.
Logically, I recognize that I'm over reacting and that one small, but unnecessary, request is not worth the drama... but it was a straw on that camel.
Which brings me to my musing...
I look at my beautiful daughters and they are oblivious to so much. I explain what I can and simplify a lot and laugh as I think about all that they think they know. What do I do now that my mom watches and laughs at? What does she try to explain to me but I can't yet grasp? What does she watch and simply think, "someday she'll realize..."
Really, what is the difference between 3, 13, and 30?
Thank-you mom for every time you stifled your own needs and took care of me first.
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