My current vocabulary consists of:
- Dada: used interchangeably for either parent
- Mamamamama: a favorite babble word
- Uh ohhhhh: often stated just before tossing my sippy cup over the side of the high chair
- Aeee Ouuuu: said both as I hand you an toy and as you hand the toy back to me
- Uuu P: not said often, but when articulated that means exactly what you think it should mean

Words I also know include
- Foot: which causes me to thrust my foot into your face
- Hand: which results in a similar appendage thrust
- Fingers: during which I expect you to tickle my fingers
- Nose: which results in my finger smearing your glasses as I try to point to the middle of your face
- Steamroller: which causes me to immediately start giggling uproariously and crawling away from dad as he come chasing after me
1 comment:
that was a great post. thoroughly enjoyed learning new vocab!!
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