Saturday, February 21, 2009

Current Advancements

Every day brings something new.

I have decided that food is wonderful and love practically everything mom has fed me. I would like to try more, though. At every opportunity, I dive towards the table and the food mom and dad are eating. I even reach for my sister's sippy cup of milk in the evening, but no one is willing to share.

I have two teeth now.

I'm can hold myself up on all fours and if mom or dad move my knees I'll even crawl short distances, but I still am more interested in rolling myself around than in crawling.

Even more, I like being stood up and walking towards things.

Bust mostly I like smiling, giggling, and playing until I'm all tuckered out.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Artistic Skills

I continue refining my artistic skills. Now mom or dad draw a circle for me and I add all the details to create beautiful people.

Art is something I take very seriously. I still love painting, drawing, and sculpting. For Valentine's Day, I gave my friends hand made cards with potato-stamp hearts and foam hearts.

By the way, blue is still my favorite color. This is worth remarking on because never before have I had a single favorite something that I consistently pick over other options.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Little Gym Graduation - One that Matters

I completed another series of Little Gym classes, but this time the graduation meant something a little more. Now I'm in a class of kids ... and no parents! Mom and dad sit outside and watch as I work through various activities and skills all by myself.

This is a big achievement for me. More importantly, this is a big achievement for my parents. I'm very proud of them for resisting the urge to barge in on the class.

We Have Returned

After a bit of a hiatus, we are back to blogging.