Sunday, April 26, 2009


We had a great Easter. It all started with baskets of candy. S received lots of chocolates and jelly beans (a favorite) while A's basket was filled with milk chocolate chips.

Then we dressed up in pretty spring outfits complete with stockings and "church shoes" that click across the floor as you walk.

Church was pretty interested. S really wanted to see the organ but was able to watch a trumpet player instead. A slept through the first half and enjoyed the music through the second half.

We returned home to finish the hunt for eggs (we only found one before church). That bunny wasn't very tricky. I found 6 of the 7 right away. There was one hiding on top of my play kitchen that took a very long time for me to find but otherwise the bunny was easy on me.

Then we went with grandma, grandpa, our aunt, and our cousin to a brunch buffet. The food was okay. The chocolate fountain was fun. The best part, though, was the visit from the Easter bunny and playing with presents from my aunt.

Once again, A slept through most of the fun stuff. Silly baby.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Spring has arrived. The sun is out, the days are warming up, and flowers are starting to bloom. I'm holding my first flower here, but now many more bulbs are flowering.

My sister is busy again turning over rocks and playing with bugs, worms, and any other creature that stumbles across her line of sight.

The change in seasons gives me a whole new world to explore, but I'm still not sure about the outdoors. When dad brushed my hand across the grass, I wasn't very taken with it and when I am given flowers (like the one in this photo) I immediately try to eat it (hence my mouth being open).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Da Da

Dad has reinforced the use of the phrase "da da" enough that I now say it all the time. In fact, one of the things I do while held is babble "da da" while patting the person holding me on the chest.

Dad is convinced that my first word must be "da da" but mom feels that I might not quite understand the definition of the word since I proudly pat her chest and declare "da da" too.

But I do understand words. I recognize my name and my nickname and can make the sign for both "more" and "all done." I also understand the word "no" but my standard reaction is to laugh and return to the prohibited activity.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone.

We dyed over 30 eggs and I already ate 2 of them. Yum yum! Tomorrow I get to wear a special bunny pin on my Easter dress when we go to church and then we will eat lots of wonderful and tasty foods at a big Easter brunch. It should be a very good time.

I hope everyone else is enjoying their holiday as well.

Friday, April 10, 2009

A Look-Alike Poll

I just added a poll (to the top right of the blog). Please vote as to whether you think the sisters look alike or look different (and to clarify, they can look different and yet still look like sisters). I keep changing my mind each time I look at the photos and I'm curious to know what others think.

I added a new pair of photos. S is to the right while A is below. The other posts with pairs of photos are from April 3rd and Aug 12, 2008

Please vote. This should be fun.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I visited the dentist today. I was a little scared last night, but it was a lot of fun!

They let me touch all their toys including "Mr. Thirsty" (which sucked all the juice out of my mouth) and the buffer which they used to shine my fingernail before using on my teeth.

I chose grape for my toothpaste flavor and it tasted very good. Then I got a new toothbrush, my very own toothpaste, some floss and a pretty pink flosser, a sticker, and a squishy salamander toy.

All day I've told everyone how I was very good for the dentist and how I have pretty teeth.

The photo, by the way, is of my espresso maker (the special toy I wanted for my birthday). I guess all that coffee I've made isn't so bad for my teeth after all.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Dad tucks me in at night. Each night he lets me choose a stuffed 'buddy' to sleep with. Some of my buddies, though, are too large or have too many odd parts. For example, I have a large Elmo that lounges, but is too large for me to sleep with at night.

Tonight I was feeling particularly precocious. When dad asked what buddy I wanted to sleep with I asked, "Can I sleep with Elmo?"

"No, you cannot sleep with Elmo."

I picked up my yellow duck (an old stand-by) and stated, "This is Elmo. Can I sleep with Elmo?"

He said "Yes, you can sleep with your duck."

"Can I sleep with Elmo?" I repeated holding up the duck.

With a smile, he said, "Yes, you can sleep with Elmo."

Ah, just the words I was waiting for. I grabbed my big Elmo and climbed into bed.

In the end, I fell asleep holding my green and white puppy dog, but it was worth a try.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Melted Snow

These photos are from Feb 17th, one of the first warm days we had. Since then the last brave ice fishermen packed up, the crocuses bloomed and now that they are past prime the hyacinth are starting to flower. The tulips are growing taller and the weeping cherry is starting to bud leaves.

Through all of this, the mountain of snow kept clinging onto it's own frozen core, refusing to allow the sun to beat it back. Last night as we all settled into bed, a small patch remained watching over our houses.
The light spring showers that rained all night finally melted all that remained. Spring must be here.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Look Alikes? No More?

A few months ago, all we heard was about how much we look like each other. Recently, though, the frequency of such comments has dropped significantly. All of us have heard far less comments about how much we look alike. It still comes up on occasion, but not as much.

Perhaps people have finally tired of making the comment. Perhaps we are numb to it and no longer hear it. Perhaps we are starting to look like separate individuals.

Mom thought it was about time to compare a couple of photos. So for all of you curious folk, here are two photos of us girls taken within a couple of days of eight an a half months of age.

What do you think? Do we still look alike?

(By the way, the top is A and the bottom is S)

Big Girl Bath

I love bathing in the big girl tub. At this point I've graduated out of the infant tub entirely and spend bath time crawling after various toys. Of course, I also still love to splash my mom.