Saturday, March 28, 2009

Family Challenges

So, I should probably provide some more down-to-earth perspective on our happy home. Alaura is crawling and now M and I are working on determining how best to explain that although many of these toys are S's, A can play with them too.

Right now my approach is that most things that belong to anyone in the family may belong to one person, but families share things. After all, that is "dad's chair" at the dinning room table but we can all use it if we want. That is "mom's colored pencils" but we can all color with them. And those are "Sofia's toys" but we can all take turns. There are a few things that each person has the final say over (mom's jewelry box, dad's pocket knife, and some special toys), but most things are shared.

Yeah right.

If anyone has any good suggestions or better approaches, please let me know.

Field Trip

I have graduated from Yellow Room (the transitional Toddler/not quite pre-school room) to Green Room (a pre-school room) and as a result I can now do all sorts of new things. One of those new things is field trips!

Yesterday my class went on a trip to the library. I keep insisting that we took a bulldozer-plow-school bus although my teacher gave me a funny look as I told my mom this.

I have a new playground to play at, and I also get to play at the bicycle circle sometimes. Once a week over the summer, I'll even have a special "bike day" when I can bring my bicycle to school and bike around the circle with all my friends.

All-in-all, though, I had a very good time and am thinking that this Green Room thing might not be too bad.

(btw, the photo is of me enjoying my super-sucker, one of the tasty candies I got for my birthday).

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Smiling in Pink

We are still working through negotiating playtime and toys now that both of us can get into each others things, but yesterday we played very well together while mom did dishes. I can see a long and happy future of sibling fun.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Photo Guessing Game

Guess who...Give up?

The top is S while the bottom photo is W.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

She Crawls

Thursday night A started crawling. She practiced all day yesterday and this morning she's pretty dang fast already.

Suddenly, S has become much more interested in all her old toys (now within A's reach).

Normally S wants nothing more than for me to put A down and pick her up all the time. This morning, for the first time ever, S adamantly told me to "put me down and pick her up!"